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Quantitative Hochschulforschung – Impulse für das Hochschulmanagement? Gespräch mit Stefan Hornbostel.

Hornbostel, S., Hoelscher, M. & Marquardt, E. (2021). Quantitative Hochschulforschung – Impulse für das Hochschulmanagement? Gespräch mit Stefan Hornbostel. Hochschulmanagement(1), 29–33. Hoelscher, Michael, (2021): A question of integrity’: Academic values torn between organizational affiliation, national competitiveness and the global academic community. In: H. van't Land, A. Corcoran & D. Iancu (Hg.): The Promise of Higher Education. Essays in Honour of 70 Years of IAU. Palgrave, McMillan/Springer Nature (OPEN ACCESS). (

Degrees of Success: The Transitions from Vocational to Higher Education. Emerald Publishing Limited

Hayward, G., Katartzi, E., Ertl, H. & Hoelscher, M. (2021). Degrees of Success: The Transitions from Vocational to Higher Education. Emerald Publishing Limited. Arend, H. & Hoelscher, M. (Hrsg.). (2021). Hochschule und Stadt. Wissensallianzen in Rheinland-Pfalz. Zukunftsinitiative Rheinland-Pfalz (ZIRP) e.V.

Academics’ Societal Engagement in Cross-country Perspective. Large-n in Small-n Comparative Case Studies

Schneijderberg, Christian; Götze, Nicolai (2021): Academics’ Societal Engagement in Cross-country Perspective. Large-n in Small-n Comparative Case Studies. In: Higher Education Policy 3 (4), S. 1–17. DOI: 10.1057/s41307-021-00227-z

Academics’ Societal Engagement in Diverse European Binary Higher Education Systems: A Cross-Country Comparative Analysis

Götze, Nicolai; Carvalho, Teresa; Aarrevaara, Timo (2021): Academics’ Societal Engagement in Diverse European Binary Higher Education Systems: A Cross-Country Comparative Analysis. In: Higher Education Policy 34 (1), S. 88–109. DOI: 10.1057/s41307-020-00222-w

Massive Open Online Courses after the Gold Rush: Internationale und nationale Entwicklungen und Zukunftsperspektiven

Igor Asanov, Guido Bünstorf, Otto Hüther, Anna Kosmützky und Georg Krücken (2020): Massive Open Online Courses after the Gold Rush: Internationale und nationale Entwicklungen und Zukunftsperspektiven. INCHER-Working Paper Nr. 12, LCSS-Working Paper Nr. 4. Kassel und Hannover: INCHER-Kassel und LCSS. DOI: 10.15488/9775

Science and industry evolution: Evidence from the first 50 years of the German laser industry

Buenstorf, G. & Heinisch, D. P. (2020): Science and industry evolution: Evidence from the first 50 years of the German laser industry. In: Small Business Economics, 54(2), 523–538.

When do firms get ideas from hiring PhDs?

Buenstorf, G. & Heinisch, D. P. (2020): When do firms get ideas from hiring PhDs? In: Research Policy, 49(3), 103913.

Interrelated funding streams in a multi-funder university system: evidence from the German Exzellenzinitiative

Buenstorf, G. & König, J. (2020): Interrelated funding streams in a multi-funder university system: evidence from the German Exzellenzinitiative. In: Research Policy, 49(3) 103924.

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